We truly believe that every single person who is a follower of Christ has a powerful story of how they encountered Jesus. Through a friendship, a church, a book, or even alone in a quiet room. For this special summer series, Encounter, we share a few stories of how Jesus captured the hearts of these believers.
My guest for today’s episode is Chris Terry. My friend Morolake connected Chris and I, and we formally met at The Austin Stone! Chris is a strength and conditioning coach for football and Women’s swimming at Rice University. He also played four years of football for the Texas Longhorns! In this episode, Chris shares about his background growing up in a Catholic home. He considered it much more about earning love, which caused him to struggle deeply with affirmation. After several years of fighting to know his purpose, using alcohol and sex to try and find his identity, he came to the end of himself. Two women shared the gospel with Chris at a summer camp, and he put his faith in Jesus Christ summer of 2011. After coming to Christ, Chris battled trying to fight his old self and God really showed up to place people in his life that would walk alongside him through a continual process of sanctification. He says “God already knows what I did, and He’s provided this community to rally around me.” I love hearing what God is doing in the lives of college students!
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