My guest for The Happy Hour #423 is Mike Cosper. Mike Cosper is the Director of Podcasts at Christianity Today and the creator and host of The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. He’s the author of several books including Recapturing the Wonder and Rhythms of Grace and is a co-founder of Sojourn Church in Louisville, Kentucky, where he still attends.
I heard about the Mars Hill Podcast from my friend, Jackie and I have to thank her for clueing me in. It is a must-listen and tells an important story. In this episode, Mike breaks down the premise of the podcast and what the overall goal is for sharing the story of Mars Hill. We talk about church wounds and why our culture continues to platform people whose charisma outweighs their character. We also talk about some of the backlash Mike has received by sharing this story, and people claiming that it is gossip and hurts the reputation of the church. I really appreciated that Mike stood his ground by saying, “What hurts the reputation of the church is abusive leaders.” The Story of Mars Hill is about so much more than one person and one church, but rather encourages us to examine what we’re really after in a church, what we care about, and who we’re praising. So thankful for this conversation and the word that Mike and his team are doing to share stories that matter.
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