The Happy HOUR #628 The Journey of forgiveness with kent whitaker
On December 10th, 2003 Kent Whitaker’s life was struck with tragedy in a way that would change it forever. After an evening out with his family, Kent, his wife, and two sons returned to their home to find an intruder waiting inside. On today’s show Kent shares with us how his entire family was shot that night, killing two family members, and how Romans 8:28 became real to him in a new way. Kent describes how he did what most of us would think as impossible, forgive the people responsible for such crime.
Kent’s story of loss, forgiveness and redemption has been featured on Oprah, 20/20, 48 Hours Mystery, People Magazine, and dozens of other shows. His book, Murder By Family, made the New York Times Bestseller List and has inspired and encouraged thousands of people.
Forgiveness isn’t easy and often feels like the most unnatural thing to do. But because of Jesus’ death on the cross, we can forgive because we have been forgiven.
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